An informative and interactive exhibit in Dublin offers insights into the influence of the Irish Diaspora. The exhibit, entitled Epic Ireland, is an engaging, entertaining...
Dublin’s history stretches back over a millennium. Back in the fourth century, the first known settlement here was built in the Cornmarket area of the...
The pipes, the pageantry, the passion, the people - all to preserve and promote Celtic culture. Recently we spoke with Tracy Nietupski about this weekend’s inaugural...
Wales is a stunning country, home to sweeping valleys, sandy bays, Gothic castles, and national parks. Abereiddy and the Blue Lagoon Abereiddy is a picturesque...
Scottish visual artist Lewis Deeney’s work is instantly recognizable; interlocking geometric forms bring a paradoxical harmony to the gestural abstraction of the painted surface. The...
I first heard The Inspiration Orchestra when a small ensemble of members played in the Garden Room at Pitmeadow Farm, Dunning, Perthshire as part of...
Ireland is home to some of the most intricate and interesting art known in human history. Attributed to the ancient Celtic people, it is mysterious and...
While Quebec’s early French settlers brought their ballads from Normandy and Bretagne, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Irish immigrants to the province in...
As a youngster, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and motivational mentor Darrin Donnelly knew that he wanted to be either a writer or a football coach. Combining...