
Celtic Life International Contributor Polices & Guidelines

Celtic Life International celebrates the culture, creativity, traditions and diversity of Celtic heritage. We’re interested in the global Celtic experience, whether it’s lived in one of the seven Celtic nations (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, the Isle of Man and Galicia) or among the Celtic diaspora.

Our flagship publication, Celtic Life International magazine, is published eight times a year in both print and digital formats and is distributed internationally.

Celtic Life International is based in Canada – a country with a strong Celtic heritage – and was founded in 1986. The magazine was relaunched as Celtic Life International in March 2012, along with a dynamic new multi-media website.

The Celtic Life community is also available on Facebook (, Twitter (@celticlife), Instagram (celticlifeinternational), LinkedIn and Pinterest.

All Celtic Life International publications celebrate the Celtic lifestyle and heritage. Celtic Life requires accurate, colourful writing that deepens and enhances readers’ knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Celtic culture.

Everything Celtic is potentially of interest to us, but in general we focus on Celtic personalities, Celtic history and heritage, Celtic food, Celtic folklore and traditions, Celtic travel, Celtic music, books, dance and art, Celtic sports and games and Celtic languages.

Writing guidelines

Celtic Life International welcomes story submissions at but, before contacting us, please familiarize yourself with the magazine. In your initial query, please outline your idea, your approach and your writing credentials. Keep all content within the body of the email. Our policy is to reply in writing within 30 days. If you haven’t heard from us after that period, please feel free to submit your idea to other publications.

We look for interesting story ideas and writing that demonstrates insight, integrity and humour. We value writing that emphasizes clarity and accuracy. Please use plain, lively language. Avoid jargon, cliches and superfluous words that slow the story – adverbs, for instance, can usually be omitted.

We look for writers who understand that an original approach entices a reader into an article. When appropriate, show rather than tell; for instance try beginning your story with an engaging anecdote. Use evocative imagery. Quotes should be revealing and colourful. Sources should be well-chosen and credible.

When writing a historical piece, please include detail that creates a sense of time and place. Put your subject in context; explain the conflicts/tensions of the time and reveal how the subject was seen by his/her contemporaries or by historians. Such details create atmosphere.

Please do not send us your story the moment you finish it. Leave the story for a day or two and then return to it; you will be surprised when you spot errors you hadn’t noticed before, or you may decide to completely change your approach to the piece. Please only send your work when you are confident it is the best it can be.

Approach each article with a creative attitude. As Peter Jacobi wrote in his book, The Magazine Article: How to Think it, Plan it, Write it, “Subjects aren’t boring, but bored writers can make them so.”

The process of writing for Celtic Life International

Lead times are several months. The first draft of an article should be submitted at least six weeks before the issue in which it is to be published.

Spelling and formatting: We adhere to the Canadian Press guidelines and spell according to the Gage Canadian Dictionary.

Software: Use doc and rtf files only.

Use Georgia, 12-point

Do not format the page.

Do not indent paragraphs

Single line spacing in Word is preferred

Please leave only one space between a period and the next capital letter.

Editing: Stories are usually returned to writers so alterations can be made. When time is short, the editor may undertake the revisions then return the story to the writer to check for errors. Stories may need to be cut to the available space.

Payment occurs on publication. We require an emailed invoice in order to process payment. Please send invoices to Writers are paid 20 cents a word. Payment is based on the number of words published. For instance, if a writer is asked to provide between 500-700 words, and the writer provides 700 words but the story is cut to 600, the writer will be paid for 600 words. Please bear in mind that unnecessary words will be cut.

Expenses: Some expenses are paid upon approval – please discuss with the editor and get advance approval.

Deadlines must be respected. If you cannot avoid being late with a story, please let the editor know as soon as possible.

Copyright: Celtic Life International buys first Canadian print rights to any material.

Copyright infringement: Celtic Life International will not be held legally responsible for any/all copyright infringements, either in print or digital format, with regard to both written material and images. All submissions are the sole legal and moral responsibility of the contributor.

Internet rights: Payment also includes web rights.

Photographs and images: Visual appeal is very important, so please bear that in mind. If you take your own photos, that’s great. If not, please let us know of good photo opportunities and pass along any useful visual material. Photographs should be emailed as separate attachments. All photos must be 300 dpi for print.

Kill fees are not awarded.