Celtic Colours Profile: Dwayne Côté

dwayne coteJohn Allan Cameron called Dwayne Côté, “The best kept secret in Celtic Music”. Dwayne was raised in Grande Greve, Cape Breton in a family deeply rooted in all aspects of Cape Breton, Irish and Scottish music traditions. Here he shares his experiences with the Celtic Colours International festival.

How long have you been involved with Celtic Colours as a performer?
I have been involved with Celtic Colours since the conception of the festival.

What do you like most about the event?
I like meeting and performing for people that have travelled near and far: getting a chance to meet and jam with international musicians that come to the festival. I also like the feeling of “family” you get: no matter which venue I perform at I am warmly greeted by numerous community volunteers who go out of their way to help you and make you feel welcomed.

Why is it important for the community there?
Celtic Colours has truly put Cape Breton on the map. By doing so, it gives tourists a chance to see our island, participate in our community/cultural events. It brings much needed tourism dollars into the communities. But most importantly, it keeps the culture alive.

Why is it an important gig for you as a performer?
It is an International festival: it gives me an opportunity to introduce my music to the International market through the audiences as well as the buyers (for other festivals).

Do you have any favorite memories of the festival?
I don’t often get a chance to perform with my family, so I’d have to say getting a chance to perform with my brothers Roger and Darin. Also, the impromptu jam sessions that we as musicians have back stage at the venues. The late night Festival Club has always been a blast.

Will you be involved the festival again in the years ahead?
As long as Joella, Dawn and the Celtic Colours Festival will have me….I will be honored to be there.

What’s on tap for the rest of 2013?
Well, there is Nova Scotia Music Week in Sydney, other gigs around the Maritimes. I am in the studio too….working with different projects.
