The origin of the smoked and cured haddock is said to be as follows: a fire broke out in one of the fish-curing houses in Findon, Aberdeen, and when the fire subsided the maister pulled haddock, smelt it, ate it and went on eating more. The news spread and all the fishermen came to taste them. From that time the little village, and now the big fishing village, Findon, a mile away, always cures the smokes the haddocks over burning seaweed to smoke them. Smokies are haddock which have not been cut in half. The most popular way of cooking smoked haddock is to soak them overnight if they are salted. Place in a shallow tin with a little milk and water and cook till tender. Drain off the liquor and serve with a little butter. A little cornflower can be added to the liquor, boiled for a minute, and poured over the haddock.
¼ c. butter
2 tbsps. flour
2 c. milk
Salt and pepper
2 lbs. finnan haddie
½ c. breadcrumbs
3 tbsps. melted butter
Slices of lemon
Make a thin white sauce by combining the butter, flour, milk and salt and pepper in the top of a double boiler. Place the fish in a greased pan and pour the white sauce over it. Cover and simmer very gently for a half hour, basting as is necessary. Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs which have been mixed with the melted butter. Bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Remove to a hot platter and garnish with parsley and lemon. Serves 6.
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