Sunday afternoon tea wouldn’t be the same without a sweet and savoury Scottish Crumpet.

¾ cup self-raising flour
1 tablespoon caster sugar
¼ teaspoon baking powder
1 egg, lightly beaten
2/3 cup milk
1oz butter 3 or 4 crumpet rings (or use egg rings or muffin rings)

Sift flour, sugar and baking powder in medium bowl. Make a well in centre, gradually add egg and milk. Beat until ingredients are well combined and mixture is smooth. Brush a flat, non-stick pan and crumpet rings with a little butter. Place rings evenly apart in pan. Heat pan on low for 1 minute. Place two tablespoons of mixture into each ring. Cook over very low heat for 8 minutes without turning. Crumpets are cooked when the surface has set, and bubbles stop rising to the surface. Repeat with the remaining mixture. Note: it is best to regrease rings before each use, left crumpet and ring together out of pan, run a sharp knife around edge to release crumpet form ring. Eat warm from pan or toasted with your favorite sweet, try jam or honey.

Slàinte Mhath!
