With winter upon us, many return to their roots to keep warm and well-fed. Enjoy our recipe for scrumptious Scottish Hotch-Potch Soup. Ingredients 2 pounds...
As we approach the winter months, Irish Chowder is a hearty, healthy, home-grown meal that will keep family & friends cozy and content. Ingredients 1.2...
More often than not, the simplest ingredients result in the finest meals, such as with Manx Baked Leeks with Ham. Ingredients 300g oak-smoked cheddar cheese...
Ireland and France make unlikely culinary companions. There are, however, a number of delectable dietary dots to connect. Enjoy this recipe for Guinness French Onion...
I was fortunate to spend my summers on a lake in the stunning Laurentian Mountains region, an hour west of Montreal. My Irish-Canadian grandmother ruled...
The Jiggs Dinner is a traditional meal commonly prepared and eaten on Sundays in many regions across Newfoundland and Labrador. Ingredients 3 pounds (1.5 kg)...
The northwest of Ireland is a feast of fish! Please enjoy this recipe for delicious Donegal Seafood Chowder. Ingredients 25 g butter 1 onion, chopped...